June 15th, 2021

A dynamic image capturing a woman holding a stack of Bitcoin coins, with one coin aligned between her fingers, seemingly in motion. The focused lighting and blurred background emphasize the coins, symbolizing the impact and movement within the cryptocurrency market.

Women in the Crypto Space: A Big Breakthrough

Never thought that the glamor could turn this bold and beautiful with cryptocurrency and financial conversations. That’s a big revolution, and this says the world is growing. Women are embracing the fintech spaces and owning cryptocurrencies. It is good to see them making a perfect guess on the volatile price tag of a digital currency. Woo-hoo! 

It’s been quite a demanding space for cryptocurrencies. Elon Musk, HODL, Dogecoin, Buy the Dip – you must have heard all these catchphrases on Twitter or any other social media platforms; at least you would have come across the word cryptocurrency, right? While we see this digital asset and blockchain spaces are booming, women are making waves in this world!

According to Gemini’s 2021 State of U.S. Crypto Report, “Women account for more than half (53%) of those interested in getting into crypto soon, representing a major potential shift. While just 26% of current crypto holders are women, we see the potential for this change significantly.”

So, women are closely trying to learn more about digital assets, and this representation will be crucial at every level of the crypto industry. It is interesting to know that women are considering their investments to be a mix – which is why it is turning out to be more empowering and enabling savvy women to build their wealth in an exceptional way.

SHE, Is Among the Next Wave of Crypto Buyers

Years ago, there was nothing for any working middle class to look out for and grow her income and democratize wealth. The disrupted technologies are the more enormous opportunities, simply making it easier to grow investment opportunities and double the expertise while in the fintech space.

Looking even closer, “45% of current female crypto owners are under the age of 35, and just 4% are 55 or older. While among crypto-curious women, only about a quarter are under the age of 35, and a notable 25% are 55 or older.”

These stats reveal that a more significant portion of the women will consume the next wave of crypto buyers, and they’re also more likely to be women nearing retirement. This could turn the crypto investment more mainstream and accessible to more people across the globe. It is uplifting to see crypto investors and crypto-curious as they understand the industry and study the market. This clearly states that fintech, including cryptocurrency or blockchain technology, is not just the mens’ club.

For sure, it is an uphill battle against complex and challenging truths. Women are changing the way we look at the world, and in fact, the choices that women make are more careful and precise than men when it comes to investments.

We have the most prominent women voices in the crypto sector, such as Hester Peirce, SEC Commissioner, affectionately known as the “Crypto Mom” by many in the industry. She has a refreshing tone in speeches about the digital economy. Ria Bhutoria, Fidelity Digital Assets research director, is well known for her deep and crisp analysis of the crypto market. She also helps in addressing some persistent criticisms surrounding Bitcoin. Camila Russo, the founder of The Defiant, is one of the famous voices in demystifying the crypto sector, especially decentralized finance.

Well, the list also includes Elizabeth Stark (Lightning Labs CEO and co-founder), Caitlin Long (Avanti Financial Group founder and CEO), Kristin Smith (Blockchain Association executive director), Sheila Warren (World Economic Forum head of blockchain and data policy), Christine Lagarde (European Central Bank president) and the list goes on and on.

These women are the great voices that the world is hearing today. They talk blockchain, and they run us through the cryptocurrency; they impact the DeFi and influence the fintech space. Isn’t this called the real revolution? The world is all looking forward to seeing women hold Bitcoins and rule the digital world. Thus, the world develops together!

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