The DIAM Tokenomics

The DIAM is the native digital asset that underpins the Diamante Ecosystem. We're excited to educate the Diamante Community on key aspects of the DIAM functionality as we bring our applications into the World!

The DIAM Tokenomics

Network Roles

DIAM acts as a rewarding mechanism for the validators and archivers to perform transactions, validations, and historical data maintenance in the ecosystem.

SVG image showing the watchers line, a graphical element used in the tokenomics section of the Diamcircle website


keeps track of the ledger and submits transactions for possible inclusion, but it is not configured to publish history archives. It does require a secret key and is configured to participate in consensus by voting on - and signing off on - changes to the ledger, meaning it supports the network and increases decentralization.

SVG image showing the archievers line, a graphical element used in the tokenomics section of the Diamcircle website



Publishes the activity of the network in long-term storage. Unlike a full validator, it does not participate in Consensus. Archivers help with Decentralization a bit by offering redundant accounts of the Network's History, but they don't vote or sign ledgers, so their usefulness is fairly limited.

SVG image showing the validators line, a graphical element used in the tokenomics section of the Diamcircle website


Publishes a history archive containing snapshots of the ledger, including all transactions and their results. A full validator writes to an internet-facing blob store - such as AWS or Azure - so it's a bit more expensive and complex to run. However, it also does the most to support the network's resilience and decentralization.


Core Functionality and Use Cases of DIAM


A utility coin that enables secure & efficient transactions within the ecosystem and provides accessibility to the network's dApps


Plays an anti-spam role on the network and mitigates attacks that attempt to generate large numbers of transactions or consume large data space in the Ledger

Network Processing

A certain amount of DIAM is programmatically burned every time a transaction is processed
Smartphone screen displaying the DIAM Wallet app with an infinity loop logo above the text 'DIAM Wallet' in a black background


AI-powered personalization and preference curation for rewards and loyalty programs

Wide Acceptance

Widely accepted by leading banks and financial institutions, allowing for seamless Integration into the financial systems

Simplified Transactions

Facilitates peer-to-peer payments and transfers and provides a secure means for digital asset exchange
  • Description
  • Submits Transactions
  • Support Horizon
  • Participates in Consensus
  • Helps other Nodes to Catch Up and Join the Network
  • Increase Network Resiliency
  • Watcher
  • Non-Validator
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Archiver
  • All of watcher + Publish to Archive
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes
  • Medium
  • Validator (Basic)
  • All of Watcher + Active Participation in Consensus
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Low
  • Validator (Full)
  • Basic Validator + Publish to Archive
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • High
SVG image titled 'Token Summary,' illustrating the tokenomics of Diamcircle with various graphical elements to summarize the distribution and usage of tokens


  • Coin Tracker: DIAM
  • Max. Total Coin Supply: 10 Billion pre-mined
  • New Coin Issuance: Capped
  • Coin Burning: Ongoing transaction activity on Diamante Net

Join the Diamante Ecosystem

We always look forward to having entrepreneurs, investors, developers, blockchain experts, and crypto enthusiasts on our network.

SVG image illustrating the concept of a bug bounty program, typically featuring elements such as a magnifying glass, a bug icon, and monetary symbols, representing the rewards for identifying software vulnerabilities

Bug Bounty

Bug Bounty Program to help find Vulnerabilities and Secure the Protocol

SVG image representing ambassadors, featuring human figures with a badge or flag, symbolizing representatives or advocates of a brand or organization


Ambassador's Program to Grow the Community

SVG image depicting rewards, featuring icons such as a trophy, medal, or gift box, symbolizing recognition and incentives for achievements or participation


Contribute to the Community, Accumulate points and/or Earn Rewards!

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